Montrose Colorado Newborn Photographer

When an angel shows up for your model call...

A few weeks ago I sent out a model call. I’ve been doing some studying, learning, self educating on how to be a better newborn photographer so I wanted to try some new techniques out. I’ve said this before, but photographing newborns is my favorite!! My only problem is I don’t have a newborn on hand at 12a.m. when I want to practice what I’m learning! ha!

Anyway, after I sent out the call, we waited for little miss to arrive & then got her scheduled. Little did I know her sweet mama would be walking in my front door carrying an angel for me to photograph. You guys, I wish you could hear my voice when I say, she was absolutely perfect. She was calm, content, & just as precious as they come. I absolutely loved my time with her & her mom. It was truly a delight photographing her.

So without further ado, meet Selah.