The right place at the right time...
I’ve always been fascinated with photographing this world. I wouldn’t call myself a wildlife/nature photographer by any means, but wildlife and nature have always been one of my favorite things to observe & see. My love for photographing nature & wildlife really grew when we were living in Alaska.
One thing I’ve discovered that brings so much thrill is being in the right place at the right time. It’s the moments you don’t plan on. You can’t create them yourself, don’t get me wrong, you can try and time things perfectly or sit for hours hoping it comes along. But it’s the unexpected, fleeting moments when you capture something so perfectly simply because you were in the right place, at the right time that bring this thrill & excitement that are hard to explain. Those are the shots that I always love most. The ones that I just happened to catch.
We had one of those moments yesterday. We decided to go exploring in the Black Canyon for the afternoon. A storm started coming in so we loaded the kids up & headed out of the park. We came around this corner & the fog & canyon just looked amazing so I asked my hubby to stop & I’d just hop out real quick for a shot. Well little did I know what I was in for. After jogging to the look out point the scene quite literally took my breath away. I spent a few minutes shooting then sprinted back to the car & made my whole family run back out with me so they could see.
I couldn’t wait to share this with you!
Black Canyon of the Gunnison
I can’t believe we get to live 20 minutes away from this canyon. It’s beautiful every time. But yesterday has been my favorite trip there yet. That rainbow was in the perfect spot & I just happened to get to see it.
Here are some more of my favorite ‘right place at the right time’ shots I’ve taken over the years. Enjoy!
Moose in Denali National Park
Bald Eagle, Alaska
Free willy…just kidding. This whale breeched right next to our boat in Alaska. I had people asking to take a picture of the back of my camera after I caught this.
Big horn sheep, Alaska
Caribou, Denali National Park
The perfect storm, Homer Alaska