Montrose Colorado Newborn Photographer

Sneak Peek

To say I've been a little slow at posting so far this year is a understatement. Life with 3 kids. I seriously feel like I'm just surviving most days & every thing that does get accomplished is the result of me just wingin' it. Any other moms out there relate? With that being said I was THRILLED to sneak away from my crazy house for a bit last Saturday for a shoot. It was much needed for my sanity! There's just something about being behind my camera, interacting with people who speak in complete sentences that is good for my soul.

You've seen this couple on here a few times in the past. I was honored to capture the birth of both of their beautiful girls, & have done some family pictures for them as well. This shoot was a little different. Mostly because it was just these two, no kiddos. What you haven't seen on my blog before is that Matt is a musician. He's an incredibly talented one actually & he asked me to take some pictures for his next album cover. Read that again...ALBUM COVER. #thingsthatmakemenervous 

You guys! I own his first album, it's amazing! Now I get to be apart of creating the look of his next one.  Exciting! Ashley kept saying she was nervous for this shoot. I didn't tell them, but so was I! Knowing a lot more people, than just their close family & friends will see this is a lot of pressure. But I must say I'm loving how these turned out! I played around with a lot of different editing techniques this time around. I usually stay pretty consistent in that, but working with another artist seems to allow for more freedom to create. These are just a handful of my favorites. I'm extremely excited for them to see...or anxious. It's probably 70% excited 30% anxious. Or maybe the other way around. It's hard to tell, but like I said before...this was one of those things that makes me nervous. Enjoy! 

Stay tuned! I'm also helping him create the lyric video for his new song. I'm sure once we get this all finished up I'll be back to share it! It's been stuck in my head for the last few weeks while I've been piecing the video together...good thing it's a good song! ;) 
