Montrose Colorado Newborn Photographer

Hey Darlin'

Some of you may remember I posted a few weeks ago about a fun shoot I got to do. You can check it out here:

We had so much fun & I personally LOVED the results. Well those shots were for a special project & I'm excited to get to share it with you today! Matt is a musician & a very talented one at that. He & Ashley recorded his new song together. You guys I've been listening to it for weeks while making a lyric video for him, & I still love it! It's a beautiful song from a beautiful couple. The first time I listened to it I have to admit there were tears.


Now maybe it's because I know them. Maybe it's because I get to do life with them, or that I've witnessed the birth of their 2 beautiful girls. Or maybe it's because it's just that good! So today is a big day because this new single has officially been released and YOU can go get it! Take a few minutes & enjoy the lyric video here:

& then hop on over to itunes & show this guy some love! By supporting him you're supporting a beautiful family! Enjoy!