Montrose Colorado Newborn Photographer

DMH Designs

As a photographer more often than not you find a niche. You figure out what you absolutely love photographing & that becomes your focus & what drives your career goals. For me I discovered mine after having my daughter. It's babies. I would photograph newborn babies every day if I could! Someday I hope to be able to. However, it's also important to continue to challenge yourself in new ways. Not that babies aren't a challenge to capture, they are different every time & I learn with every shoot. But sometimes an opportunity presents itself to capture something completely opposite & it can be a bit intimidating however, I say go for it. You learn, you grow, you expand your knowledge of your craft.

Back in November that opportunity presented itself. My friend Desiree (she was my roommate in college) has started her own jewelry business. She takes random, every day objects & creates beautiful things to wear out of them! Guitar strings, bike chains, bike tubes, bullets, you name it she can probably make it wearable, & beautiful! It's amazing & she is insanely talented & creative. Well anyway she asked if I'd help her take pictures so she can start an etsy shop. I jumped on the opportunity mostly because I knew it'd mean I would get to see her for a few days & hold her sweet babies again! You guys, I am by no means a product photographer. I crave the human interaction & connection I make with people. 

So here I was with 100's of pieces of jewelry to 2 days. With 5 kids ages 5 & under running around. It was rapid fire, loud chaos for 2 days straight. I don't have a studio of any kind. We had a kitchen table covered in jewelry, sippy cups, & crumbs...oh my word! The crumbs! EVERYWHERE! However, we had a great time catching up, and took over 500 images for her upcoming etsy shop. I even had some gorgeous friends stop by to model for us! One of whom, after modeling for a few hours, left by saying "good luck with your kids!" HAHA!!! 

CHAOS!!! But the result turned out great & it was a fun opportunity to branch out & do something new. SOOO if you're looking for something unique, beautiful, & wearable for your friends or significant other hop on over to DMH Designs & check it out! You won't be disappointed! She also does custom orders so shoot her a message & see what she'll create for you! Valentine's day is just around the corner! Check out some of her pieces! Enjoy! Link below!

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