Montrose Colorado Newborn Photographer

Happy birthday to you.

It's a rare occasion to receive a 3am phone call that I'm excited for. I knew labor could start any day for Ariana & leading up to Milo's arrival she assured me this babe would come fast. I went to bed that night with my ringer on, then I double checked it to make sure I left it on, then I triple checked it & turned it up louder to make sure I wouldn't miss it if they texted instead of calling. My phone lit up at 3am & I was wide awake & SO EXCITED! I told my hubby I was heading to the hospital, I'm still not convinced he ever heard me. I showed up at 3:30, this sweet boy arrived around 4:30 & I was home by 5:30. When my husband woke up later that morning I said "It's a boy!" And he goes "What? Oh wait, did you leave?!" 

Being invited into someone's hospital room while they labor & deliver a baby isn't something that many people are up for. But for me, being able to be a fly on the wall to capture these moments for them is such an amazing experience & truly an honor. Being able to capture Milo's arrival was incredible. I try to remain as invisible as possible during labor/delivery. I do my best to stay out of the way, keep quiet, & just observe. But while doing this every ounce of me is thinking "What can I do?! How  can I help?! I should be doing something! I should be cheering this warrior mama on!" But I don't know of many mamas who want a cheerleader standing beside them...'gimme a P...gimme a U...gimme a S...gimme a H!'

But getting to sit back & observe is a beautiful thing. Seeing the strength of Ariana as she delivered her child, witnessing Ben praying over his wife & supporting her in anyway he could & watching as they first met their precious child the Lord has blessed them with was a beautiful picture of love, & grace, & strength. It was such a gift to be a part of, just as I hope the video & pictures I captured that day will be a gift for them. 

Happy birthday Milo! You are so very loved!