Montrose Colorado Newborn Photographer

Tiny baby boy

I'm going against my norm tonight. Usually I like to do things in chronological order. Maternity, labor/delivery, then the newborn photos. Maybe I'm a little OCD because typing this out gives me anxiety. ha! But tonight I'm sharing the newborn pictures first! Mostly because my computer decided to run a backup which is preventing me from finishing some images from the birth story. However, I have these ones done & ready to share & I know his mama is excited to see them too! 

You may remember this family from back in April,

Well this is their newest addition. This is Milo. He is tiny, and precious, and wonderful in every way. I can't even describe to you all how much I love doing newborn photos, and getting to do them for such sweet friends is just the best. I absolutely loved being apart of this little guys journey. I'll be sharing more from his arrival soon, so stay tuned! In the meantime I hope you enjoy these. 

He's such a tiny baby boy, I sure loved getting to snuggle & capture him.