Montrose Colorado Newborn Photographer

It's a...

My sweet friends are due with baby #3 this Summer. When she asked if I was up for a gender reveal shoot I didn't have to think twice! Of course I was! Not only do I love capturing these moments for people but to be a part of it for such good friends is even more exciting. We woke up the morning of their ultrasound to snow. Basically all morning we weren't sure if we were going to be able to pull it off with the snow, wind, & cold. Thankfully it warmed up just enough & the wind died down just in time so we went for it! They already have 2 beautiful girls so I was on team boy! It was so exciting to find out with them! And the excitement on mamas face when she saw the blue shoot out of that water gun was priceless. 

It's a boy! Enjoy!