Montrose Colorado Newborn Photographer

Precious boy

 I am just oh so excited to share these images with you! Remember this sweet boy? well he finally got to go home! Which means I finally got to hold him & snuggle him & love on him & it was the best! 
He's basically my nephew so I'm pretty much in love & am so excited to watch this boy grow up! I just wish there wasn't a 12 hour car ride in between us!

Robert is the oldest baby I've done 'newborn' photos of. Usually I do them within the first 2 weeks but since he spent his first 25 days in the NICU he was over a month old already when we got to do these photos. While he is the oldest baby I've done newborn shots of, he's also the smallest baby I've ever done photos of!

He's just the teeniest, tiniest little dude! But he is oh so precious & just the most handsome baby boy! I can't wait to see him again & will have plenty more to share soon! 
