Montrose Colorado Newborn Photographer

It's a good thing we're friends

So awhile back this summer my kids & I went out to 'explore' at a museum here in town. My kids love going out there! They have teepees, bridges, flowers, dirt, hills, & bugs. It's a great place to get out of the house & enjoy. Well while there exploring with my own kiddos I thought hey I should get my friends girls out here & do some photos. I thought it was just the perfect spot & this friend of mine is always there when I need her & willing to help me out no matter what. So I wanted to gift her with some precious shots of her girls. 

Well as it turns out this oh so beautiful spot is home to oh so many mosquitos. You guys I'm not kidding. It was ridiculous the number of mosquitos that showed up when we went to take pictures. And unfortunately her oldest girl doesn't just get small bumps from a bite she gets giant welts. It was a recipe for disaster. We literally took photos for 20 minutes before we called it quits because this sweet thing was just COVERED in giant, ithcy, red welts. I FELT AWFUL! Anyway, we did end up with some decent shots when it was all said & done. Now we know to wait until it's colder & the mosquitos are gone before heading back out there. I'll be doing more shots of these sweet girls in the fall for sure. But here are a few of my favorites! 

I'm bummed the mosquitos won this shoot, but I can't wait to do fall photos with these girls! I just love them so much!
