Montrose Colorado Newborn Photographer

The project

I feel like I’ve been pretty absent from this blog thing this year. It’s not because I haven’t been busy. I’ve actually been super busy, and something had to give. So I let the blog go for the most part. But let me tell you how excited I am to share this post with you! Back in January I decided to walk in to our pregnancy center & see how I could volunteer with them. With 2 boys still at home I knew it might be hard to work it out. After talking more with their amazing director she mentioned a calendar project she had in mind. I immediately said “Yep! I’ll do that for you!”…even though I had never actually created a calendar, nor did I have any idea how to go about doing so.

SOOO for the last 9 months that’s been my project. Photographing these sweet babes, then figuring out how to design these calendar pages. I have met so many wonderful families through this project it has been such a gift! You guys. I have learned so much doing this project & I am THRILLED to say as of today it is complete! The final proof has been approved, the files are off for printing & pretty soon a box of calendars is going to arrive just in time for the Lifechoices annual fundraiser. It’s pretty exciting to me!!! Shall I use more of these !!!!!!!! so you can hear my excitement?!?!?!??!?

Anyway, I just had to share with you all the result of THE PROJECT I’ve been working on. I could just squeal with excitement of having been able to work on this & can’t wait to see them in print!

If you are local to Montrose, please check out Lifechoices! They are doing amazing things for so many families in this community!

And come support their work at the Annual Banquet!

Then feel free to buy a calendar while you’re at it ;)

I hope you enjoy this post & love these beautiful babes!