Little known fact...
Not many people know this about me but I have a LOVE of capturing panoramic images. I have always been amazed by the beauty of nature & the complete masterpiece that was created for us to live on.
One of our assignments in college was to capture a panoramic scene. For those that don’t know, this means taking multiple images & piecing them together to create the final product. Mine typically consist of 8-12 images total & the file sizes are pretty much gigantic. I had never done this before & this assignment terrified me. This particular assignment happened to line up with spending a week in Yellowstone for another class, which just happened to set the perfect scene.
After I created my first panoramic image I was hooked. Everything about this scene was so perfect from the dramatic sky, to the tiny little guy ice fishing. Little did I know that after this assignment I would have a new love.
So I thought it’d be fun to share some of my favorite pano’s that I’ve captured over the years. I hope you enjoy these as much as I do! If you’re ever interested in purchasing one just shoot me a message ;) I have a few hanging up in our house & they are SO MUCH BETTER IN PERSON! Come over & check them out sometime! I’ll make you chai tea & tell you all about them!
Homer Alaska
Ailiak Glacier, Alaska
Fall San Juan Mountains, Colorado
Winter San Juan Mountains, Colorado
Denali, Alaska
Random old boat, Alaska
Summer in Denali National Park, Alaska
These are just a few! I have so many hidden away on my computer. Whenever we travel it never fails, I’m taking pano’s & when I sit down to piece them together my husband always asks how many images it took this time.
Which ones do you like?! I’d love to know!