The day after Thanksgiving I had 2 shoots scheduled, but thanks to the weather I only got to do this one.
My morning was with this awesome family, and with bad weather headed our way I decided we should go sooner than later. I wasn’t sure if 15 people, many young kiddos, could be ready to go by 9 am…my doubts should give you a pretty good idea of how mornings go in my own house! ha! But this family said we’ll be there & I am SO glad it worked out! I had so much fun capturing these with them. There is so much fun, love, & laughter happening at their family get-togethers & I have no doubt there is never a dull moment at their Thanksgiving table. I usually only share 8-10 images in my sneak peeks, but when there’s 15 of you it’s just too hard to narrow it down, so here’s a whole bunch for ya!