I just love fall
On Monday I went up to the woods with this gorgeous family. It was absolutely beautiful out & the perfect setting to capture these shots. I had so much fun with them. We hiked around, explored, made a hammock, mooed at the cows, and tried to call in elk. These sweet kiddos were just a delight to be around. Absolutely beautiful inside & out. It’s been so fun getting to know them more lately & I’m thrilled to have another photographer friend in my life!
Remember those wedding dress pictures I had taken for our 10th anniversary last December? Those were taken by this beautiful mama! She has some serious skills at creating beautiful images & I’m one of the lucky ones who has been blessed by her gift. I was thrilled to be able to return the favor this week, & am so excited to share these.

If you can’t tell this family was so much fun to photograph! Enjoy!