Montrose Colorado Newborn Photographer

Senior pictures

You guys I don't even know where to begin with this post. I keep typing & deleting & retyping because there's just so much I could say...but it keeps making me cry. So I'll attempt the short version. 

Years ago I was the flower girl in a wedding. This couple has always been an amazing influence in my life, & I just love them dearly. Then that bride & groom had a precious baby boy. I used to babysit him, he was my sweet date to a Valentine's dinner once, then he & his little sister were the ring bearer/flower girl in my own wedding.  Just last week I had the honor of taking his SENIOR pictures. WHAT?! I still don't know how that's possible.  


I still can't comprehend that he's heading in to his senior year. Getting to take his senior pictures meant the world to me & it was so fun spending time with this young man. He is such a wonderful soul & I'm so excited to see what God has in store for his future.

Elliott, go rock your senior year! Go after the things you're passionate about & enjoy every minute! We will be cheering you on from Colorado!
