Montrose Colorado Newborn Photographer

When all the stars align

I figured it would be a few days at least before I found time to get this post up. However, today all the stars aligned and here I am about to go live with this post...if I type fast enough! The hubby took my daughter on a date & both of my boys are sleeping so for the first time in what seems like awhile I was able to relax & do some photo work...yes it's strange how relaxing editing photos & updating my website is. 

Yesterday was my first shoot since baby #3 arrived. It was fantastic. If this couple looks familiar it's because they've been featured here before, ( they are beautiful souls inside & out. They have the most beautiful little family. Baby girl #2 is on the way & I can't wait to meet her. You may remember the first birth story I did (, it was for them & I'm thrilled to be there for #2 soon! 

Each shoot I walk away with my personal favorites, here they are from this session, enjoy!