Montrose Colorado Newborn Photographer

This blog thang

I think it's safe to say this here blog thang sort of got pushed to the side over the last couple months. We have been BUSY. Like I can't keep track of my schedule, drinking lots of coffee, need a vacation in Mexico busy. I am so looking forward to heading to Nebraska for a couple of weeks to hopefully relax a little bit at home. My parent's are going to be busy babysitting...they just don't know it yet (love you mom!) 

Anyway, thought I should hop on & share some photos from this weekend. I had a shoot on Friday & a shoot yesterday. 1 more shoot Wednesday of a precious baby girl & then we are heading off!

These pictures are from Friday's shoot. It was a beautiful day to take pictures of these beautiful souls! This sweet couple met at a dancing class so we had to take some dancing pics & I just loved watching them both light up!

Yesterday I did pictures for some dear friends of mine. This family is just beautiful inside & out. We had so much fun & ended up with the whole family running through the sprinklers! I'm still editing their photos so I just have a few to share now. More to come!

Ok my kids are hungry so that's all for now. 
