Happy Birthday To You...
Last Tuesday was a beautiful day. I had the opportunity to photograph a precious little girl's birthday & the journey her parents took to get her here. It's hard to come up with the right words to share what I, as the photographer experienced that day. The only word that comes to mind is miracle.

Being able to journey with Matt & Ashley as they anxiously awaited the arrival of their first child & then being able to be there with them on her birthday was truly an honor. Sweet little Abigail took her sweet time getting here, and her mom is truly a warrior. I've delivered 2 children myself & still a week later I am amazed at how calm, quiet, & peaceful Ashley was the entire day. Even when it came time to push she was simply determined & focused & ready to hold her precious girl.

Being on the outside witnessing this was an emotional roller-coaster for me. I cried at least 3 times that I can remember, probably more. Watching what Ashley was going through brought back so many memories of my own 2 deliveries. I knew what she was feeling, I knew what she was about to endure. I ached knowing the pain she was going through, I was relieved when the epidural kicked in for her, my heart rejoiced when Abigail finally arrived at exactly 10pm, & my mama heart broke for Ashley when she couldn't hold her sweet girl right away because Abi needed some help breathing. All I could think to do to keep from breaking down myself was to pray, so I prayed with Ashley & hoped it would be of some comfort to her as she waited. When they finally brought sweet Abigail back in & placed her in her mama's arms right where she belonged my heart overflowed with joy knowing that God is so good, & that I had truly witnessed a miracle that day. After that I snapped a few more pictures & let them enjoy being a family...then I cried again, the entire drive home.

Her birthday is a day I will always remember, and forever be grateful to Matt & Ashley for allowing me to be a part of their day. Abigail's birthday was my first time photographing a labor & delivery & I truly hope it is the first of many more to come.

After seeing the photos myself, I so wish I would've had pictures of my own children's birthday's to share with them...guess I'll have to have 1 more ;)
Check back this weekend, I get to take newborn photos of Abigail on Friday & I can't wait!
Would love to know what you think! Leave me a comment or shoot me a message & send all of your preggo friends my way!
Happy Day!