Montrose Colorado Newborn Photographer

Top 3

I thought I'd take a minute & share my top 3 favorite newborn photoshoots I've ever done...these may surprise you. Why 3? Because that's what I have time for right now, maybe next year I can do my top 10! 

So in no particular order...

Above is Daniel. He was the very first baby I ever had the chance to take pictures of. He was & still is the tiniest baby I've ever held. I think he was 5lbs. That's it. He's smaller than that cat sitting in your lap as you read this. This is one of my all time favorites for one simple reason, this photoshoot got me excited. I had never really thought about being a newborn photographer but after this image & the photoshoot I wanted to do more. It reminds me of what started this passion of mine & reminds me there is always more to learn. This is also the son of one of my very best friends so that makes me love it all the more ;)

Meet Sawyer. Another sweet boy of a dear friend. Sawyer was my first crapper. I'm not even going to attempt to find a more tasteful way of saying it. He was laying all cute & naked with a tie on & crapped everywhere. I loved this shoot because it taught me an important lesson as a newborn photographer. No matter how much you plan & study & learn, these sweet little babes have a mind of their own. They really have so much control of the situation it's scary. But even when they decide to crap everywhere, you just smile & shoot!

This is Hattie. She's a doll. This photoshoot was one of my favorites because of how/where it happened. What you can't see from this picture is that I'm taking her photos on a tiny coffee table, in a living room that was in the middle of being remodeled, all while there were about 8 or 9 people walking around wanting to see & hold her for the first time. It wasn't ideal by any means, but it worked. It showed me that flexibility & creativity play a huge roll in my work. The result of this photoshoot also encouraged me. These pictures of Hattie showed quite the improvement, technically speaking, from where I started. 

When I went to school for photography I wasn't really sure where I was going with it. All I knew was I wanted to 'change the world' with my photos. I may not be changing the world just yet, but for now I'll continue to let these precious babies change my world. With every sweet child I get to photograph my passion grows a little bit more & my life is a little more filled with joy. 

Hope you find your gifts & they fill your life with joy.

Thanks for reading this, Mom. ;)