Montrose Colorado Newborn Photographer

Monday's Moment

Happy Monday my good people!

Hoping you had a great weekend!

The last few days have been a bit chaotic. My hubby is leaving tomorrow to spend the next 26 days in Kwajalein. Say what?! Where the heck is that?! thoughts exactly. 

Here it is! 

Here it is! 

So while he's preparing for that I've decided to go home to visit my parents. 12 hours in the car with my little ones isn't something I really look forward to, but they will both be thrilled to see their naynay & papa. I'll be thrilled to have adult conversations, & some help with my crazy kids. 

One of the things I have on my 'to do' list before we leave is to transfer my pictures off my phone to my computer & it got me thinking. What if it wasn't possible to delete photos from our phones? Like the way it once was with film cameras. What would our collection of photos look like then? 

Here's an idea what my photo album would look like on a daily basis thanks to my daughter:

Happy Monday! Hope you find some joy today!