Since there's only like 2 people who read my blog anyway...
My goal to start was 1 post a week...I kept that up for awhile.
Then I failed. But the good news is I still have a blog so that's neat.
Life has been busy this last month, really busy! I'm sitting here trying to come up with a blog post for the day, but all I can think about is this whole refugee crisis. My heart is truly breaking for these people. They've done nothing but try to survive and it seems all they are getting in return is hate.
It's so heavy on my heart & probably because of my personal experiences with assisting refugees who have come to America for a new life, if you want to know more about that just ask me.
So if you don't want to hear what I have to say feel free to stop reading now.
First of all I just have to ask, where in the world was this outcry, this hard iron fist against refugees after 9/11? Call me crazy but that would've seemed slightly more justified, not saying I would've supported it, but seriously. Did you know that " from 2001 to 2013 the U.S. admitted more than 1.5 million lawful permanent residents from majority Muslims nations to the U.S."
Did you know that the process of arriving to the USA as a refugee is long, detailed, and full of security sometimes taking up to 2 years. It's not just boarding people on a plane & saying have at it, as some appear to believe.
It breaks my heart to read some things people have said. Saying we shouldn't allow more refugees in because we don't have the resources or money to support them is one thing, saying we shouldn't let them in because they all must be terrorists is another. I'm tired of people saying "this is a muslim issue" "the muslims need to take care of this" "why aren't the muslims more upset"....are you ready for this? Maybe, just maybe the Muslims ARE upset about this. Just because American media doesn't cover it, doesn't mean it's not fact. Maybe, just maybe the Muslims aren't stepping up to take care of this because they are too busy FLEEING their countries. Maybe it's because while they started running for their lives to save themselves & their children they haven't really had the time to 'take care of it.' Oh and another thing to those who truly feel this is a Muslim issue, I'm pretty sure it became much more than that when Americans started being beheaded. Wake up already, your ignorance is shinning a little too brightly.
Now please hear me, I am in no way saying I have the solution. I am not saying that my opinion is the only correct one, I'm just saying, stop and think for a second before jumping on another facebook driven bandwagon.
I get that I'm in the minority when I say this, let them come! These are human beings we are talking about. Human beings in need of food, water, shelter, love, & hope. Human beings who are running from this. Human beings who have known nothing other than fear their entire lives. Human beings who have watched their family & friends die & their homes blown apart. I'm pretty sure I'd be running too. Stop letting fear make all of our decisions & start deciding things with a loving heart.
Now if you aren't interested in my personal faith & why I feel this way, then you can stop reading here.
I believe in Jesus Christ. I believe that He has given us His word to lead better lives & be blessings to others. I feel very strongly that His word is very clear how we are to care for others.
His word is very clear on how to care for the poor.
His word is very clear on how we are to love.
So I leave you with this. James 2:14-17
What good is it, my brothers, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? Can that faith save him? If a brother or sister is poorly clothed and lacking in daily food, and one of you says to them, “Go in peace, be warmed and filled,” without giving them the things needed for the body, what good is that? So also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead.
This is just how I feel today. I hope your heart is breaking for these people regardless of what you think should be done for them. They are God's creation just as much as you are. They deserve love just as much as you do.
This is a picture of my daughter, hanging out with a family that came to America as Burmese refugees.